HEB ISD - Purposeful Passion-Based Learning

Thank you spending your day with me. I had an absolute blast with you all. Below are the resources that I shared throughout the day. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions at all.
The 6 Ps of Genius Hour
Please feel free to visit my Genius Hour page to learn more and access additional resources.

Passion Bracket (from AJ Juliani)
How long will my project take?
What materials will I need?
Who will my outside expert be?
Pitch - KWH
What do I KNOW?
What do I WANT to know?
HOW will I find out?
Presentation - LAQ
What did I LEARN?
What ACTION did I take?
What QUESTIONS do I still have?
Additional Resources
Canva for Education
PBL Baby Steps
Managing Genius Hour with Flipgrid
Help Wanted Wall (Outside Experts)
6 Ps Slides (Google Slides)
To use as a Powerpoint, click File and then Download as a Powerpoint.
Wonderopolis Slides
To use as a Powerpoint, click File and then Download as a Powerpoint.
Genius Hour Purpose Slides
To use as a Powerpoint, click File and then Download as a Powerpoint.
Stay Connected
I would love to stay connected and continue to learn with you! Please feel free to connect in whatever way is best for you!