Giving Gifted Education the Main Character Energy It Deserves Dec 07, 2024

Look, I am probably not the best person to talk about main character energy as an individual.  I don't believe that it's always best to put myself first and as an introvert, I don't bring a ton of main character energy into a room.

However, for too long, gifted education has taken a backseat to so...

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Genius Hour and The Manifesto Dec 07, 2024

WOW! I had such a great time at TAGT's giftED Conference this week!  While I presented several sessions and was able to spend some time with some amazing educators, I also spent some time learning and growing my own understanding of giftedness and how we can serve gifted learners well.

On the last ...

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Direction of Depth Oct 03, 2024

So, I've been thinking a lot lately about the direction of depth.  In other words, does a learning experience in an advanced classroom or an extension for a gifted learner always have to go in a specific direction.  I think that we often think about extending "up" or "out".  But, the reality is that...

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The Gifted Onboarding Framework Jul 24, 2024

So, this idea, or should I say passion project, has been in the works for a while now. The more I visit with gifted learners and gifted families, the more I realize that many of them have no idea what giftedness, what it isn't, and what to expect from the gifted journey.  I think now is a good tim...

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Gaining Self-Awareness through Genius Hour Jul 01, 2024

Self-awareness is such an important skill.  CASEL explains that self-awareness is "The abilities to understand one’s own emotions, thoughts, and values and how they influence behavior across contexts. This includes capacities to recognize one’s strengths and limitations with a well-grounded sense of...

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G/T Awareness Week Day 2: Parent Perspectives Apr 02, 2024

Parenting gifted learners is not always easy but it can also be so much fun.  As a mom of gifted learners, I have definitely learned that it's a marathon and not a sprint.  I recently asked parents of gifted learners to share the best advice. They were gracious to share some great ideas and a little...

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G/T Awareness Week Day 1: Myth-Busting Monday Apr 01, 2024

Gifted learners...aren't they the smart kids, the ones that are on the A Honor Roll, the ones that love school, and the ones that shouldn't really need our help?  It's crazy to me that this is still the stigma of gifted learners.  The reality is that gifted learners are not always high achievers and...

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Diversifying Student Portfolios May 08, 2023

As students progress through their academic careers, they are often tasked with creating a portfolio to showcase their growth, achievements, and learning experiences. A portfolio is a collection of student work that provides evidence of their learning and growth over time. While portfolios can vary ...

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Mastery vs. Perfectionism: Understanding the Differences Apr 20, 2023

Mastery and perfectionism are two concepts that are often confused, but they are actually quite different. While both involve striving for excellence, they have different approaches, mindsets, and outcomes.

Mastery is focused on the process of learning and improvement, while perfectionism is focuse...

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Overcoming Barriers to Implement Genius Hour in the Classroom Apr 17, 2023

Genius Hour is an educational movement that encourages students to explore their passions and interests through independent, self-directed projects. Despite the many benefits of Genius Hour, not all teachers choose to implement it in their classrooms. In this blog post, we will explore some common r...

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G/T Awareness Week Day 5: Meaningful Social Connections for Gifted Learners Apr 07, 2023

Gifted learners often struggle to connect with their peers and may feel isolated or disconnected in the classroom. However, collaboration can be a powerful tool for helping them make meaningful social connections. In this blog post, we will explore the benefits of collaboration and provide strategie...

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G/T Awareness Week Day 4: Finding Purpose through Prioritizing Goals and Passion Apr 06, 2023

Gifted learners have a unique set of abilities and potential, but with great potential comes great responsibility. It's essential to help gifted learners set goals that challenge them, but not ones that are unrealistic or unachievable. Setting unattainable goals can lead to frustration and even burn...

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