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G/T Awareness Week Day 1: Empowering Gifted Learners through Self-Awareness Apr 03, 2023

Self-awareness is such an important skill for all learners, but it is particularly important for gifted learners. Gifted learners often have unique abilities and talents, but they may also have areas where they struggle. By being self-aware, gifted learners can identify their...

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Artificial Intelligence: How AI Will Help Us Lean Into PBL Feb 02, 2023

So, I just got back from TCEA, my state's technology conference and AI was all the rage.  In almost every single session that I attended, they mentioned or shared ChatGPT.  And, let's be honest, this tool has the potential to change everything. did Google. My friend and gifted...

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5 Ways to Get Families Involved with Genius Hour Jan 27, 2023

It’s important to make sure that parents and families understand Genius Hour and why you are making it a priority in your classroom. They should be aware of the projects that learners are working on and how they can be involved. Below are five ways that you can make this a reality and ask...

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Map vs GPS Perspective Jan 18, 2023

 As I was driving in this morning, my GPS rerouted me because of some construction that was in the area. As it did, I had a thought.  So often in the classroom, we have to reroute.  We have to rethink what we are doing and how we are doing it.

Often my car will reroute me if there...

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PBL Baby Steps Jan 05, 2023

PBL, Project-Based Learning, has a big impact on learners.  Edutopia describes this way of learning as "a dynamic classroom approach in which students actively explore real-world problems and challenges and acquire a deeper knowledge."  Sounds like a good idea, yes? ...

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How I Successfully Pivoted My Teaching Practice Sep 28, 2022
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4 Types of Passion Projects Sep 18, 2022

Passion projects are such a great way to engage today’s learners and empower them to make connections to content, practice life-ready skills, and understand the importance of social-emotional learning.  However, if we simply focus on passion and don’t prioritize purpose, the...

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The DMLE Framework Mar 19, 2022

 I am so excited to have finally created The Meaningful Mess Design Framework that I've been working on for so long.  I am passionate about helping educators shift from simply writing lesson plans to designing experiences.  In my book, A Meaningful Mess, I introduced the 3Es...

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A New Way to Make Genius Hour More Meaningful Mar 04, 2022

When done well, Genius Hour is one of the most meaningful experiences that we can provide for our learners.  It’s personal, makes learning relevant, and makes purpose a priority. Just like any strategy or tool that is implemented into the classroom, passion-based learning should be...

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5 Mistakes I Made When I Started Genius Hour Oct 11, 2021

 So often, those of us that share Genius Hour, talk about how amazing it is and what we did well.  However, the reality is that most of us did a lot of things wrong, too.  It's important to not only talk about what went well, but also what went wrong.  I know that I made...

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Beyond the Label Jul 29, 2021

When I reflect on my time in the classroom, I remember how many different labels each new class of learners brought to the table...gifted, dyslexic, ADHD, twice-exceptional, English language learner, I could go on and on.  We all know that this will be case this year as well.  I wanted...

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Purpose Statements purpose statements Mar 30, 2021

I have to admit that I'm a big fan of the word purpose. Purpose should drive everything that we do in the classroom and give both ourselves and our learners a reason for the work.  The definition of purpose is "the reason for which something is done or created or for which something...

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